Sunday, January 13, 2013

Recharged on American Fuel, Ready for Action

Not much to report regarding my trip back to the land of wine and cheese (I'm allowing myself to embrace this stereotype due to how true it is) other than I unintentionally dropped my 50 lb. suitcase on top of a surprisingly understanding old man. This little train mishap was remedied by the most apologetic smile I could muster.

It should be noted that upon my arrival to Montpellier, I moved apartments. I had already been awake for 30 hours, so it was a wee bit tiring. I slept well that night :)

In other news, my new year's resolution of meeting someone new each day is continuing to go well. Today I significantly increased the amount of French acquaintances I have when I went to play ultimate frisbee with the team in Nîmes. Unfamiliar faces and accents didn't stop me from having a blast and making some pretty rockin' plays.

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