Sunday, October 14, 2012

Marathon Montpellier!

Today was the Montpellier marathon! It started in place de comédie, which is a great square right in the center of the city! I went to observe and ended up jumping in and running for about 10 km. I ended up quite far out in the city, but luckily I was able to take a tram to get back. There was a group of runners that started at 8:30, and then another group that started at 9:30 for a "relay" version of the race. Teams of 4-7 completed the marathon in segments. I saw the first - sixth place runners come in. Two of the men ran the last 10 meters with their children, and it was so cute :) The spanish teacher from my school ran with a group of women in the relay version of the race. Perhaps one day I'll be able to return and run in the race as a real participant!

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