Monday, October 8, 2012

Meandering in Montpellier

I LOVE the town of Montpellier. There are two main plazas called la comédie and Antigone, with lots of fun little shops and restaurants/cafés. I live close to both areas, so it's quite fun to explore the city and discover new places. My favorite restaurant right now is called "ma première cantine" and they have the most delicious tartines. A tartine is basically a piece of bread or toast with various spreads, meats or vegetables on top. The other night I went to the cinema and saw a wonderful french film called "les saveurs du palais." It was all about a woman who was the chef for the president of France, and had tons of scenes showing French cooking. I was surprised at how much I understood, and I think my level of French has improved over the past two years!

I've also been frequenting the discotheques with other language assistants and new french friends. The nightlife in Montpellier is lots of fun, because there are a lot of students in the town due to the three nearby universities. Each bar/disco has its own personality, and some even remind me of bars at IU.

I moved into my apartment last week, and I am finally unpacked and settled. I have three other roommates, two French and one from Spain, and they are all very nice and fun to talk to. I have been speaking a lot of French lately, which I love, but it is also quite tiring by the end of the day. I am happy and content, and each day I get to meet new people. There are a lot of language assistants in Montpellier, so I have a good network of American and English friends, but I've also been meeting French friends and people from all over the world.

See some pics below of the town and my new French life!

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