Saturday, November 17, 2012

A Camelbak for a Towel Rack

An excerpt from an e-mail with a friend back home who bon voyage-ed me with a brand spanking new Camelbak water bottle (complete with filter) before I left for France...

"SO i LOVE this water bottle so much. I use it every day and I'm so happy that you gave it to me. Thank you thank you thank you!"

My roommate Fabrice always makes fun of me for it, though. He calls it my "baby bottle."

In France/Europe they don't seem to use Camelbaks (such a mistake on their part) but I'm happy to be reppin'

Also, on a completely different note, we have these towel racks here and they dry your towels/heat them up. It's one of the most amazing things I've ever encountered. I can't believe we don't have them aux etats-unis. So sad. très triste.

Oh well.

An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth.

A Camelbak for a towel rack.

When in Rome.

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