Monday, November 19, 2012

Tea, crêpes, and the music of broadway!

This past Sunday (yesterday) I was invited by a teacher at my school to her house for an afternoon get-together. She invited the three language assistants (me, the Spanish assistant and the German assistant). All of us assistants have become friends, so we made the journey to her house together. It was a wonderful afternoon, and there were some other teachers from nearby schools that I was able to meet as well. Everyone was very interested in my Ultimate Frisbee endeavors. The afternoon was full of good conversation, tea, and crêpes! I tried a crêpe with melon jam (can't say I've ever had that before), and it was delicious.

Directly following, I attended a “Cabaret Broadway” show at a local theater. It was interesting because the songs were in French and English. The actors did not seem completely comfortable speaking English though, so it was quite an experience. I heard excerpts from Chicago (in French), Grease (in English),  Rent (in English), and a hippie musical (I’m skeptical as to whether or not this is a real musical because I had never heard any of the songs and they were a little strange).

After the show, I went home for some hot chocolate and marshmallows (courtesy of my mom J ).

All in all, 'twas a marvelously brilliant day.

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