Saturday, November 17, 2012

Où est la bibliothèque?

In Montpellier, there is an extensive network of libraries that is quite impressive. I am thoroughly enjoying all of the materials available to me. Also, all of the "checking out/checking in" of materials is done by the patron with an electronic computer. There is some chip or something in all of the items and you just place the item you want or are returning on this box and the computer magically knows what it is. It's pretty cool. The only bar code you scan is your library card. I'm almost surprised they don't use retina scanners....just kidding. Anyway, I'm really enjoying the library and I've gone there to chillax/read on multiple occasions. Also ive been discovering lots of cool music.

The only thing that is questionable about the libraries here is this... the other day I went into the music section and they were advertising hillbilly music. Legitimately. And they were playing it in the library too...I dont know how I feel about that. But everything else is just peachy.

The other day I went to the library to read "Biologie pour les nuls" (Biology for dummies) in French to brush up on French scientific terminology. It turns out that most of the words/terms are the same, but the order of the words is reversed, and they add a few accents. For example: RNA (Ribonucleic acid) is acide ribonucléique. Reading the book was a little experiment to see how I might fare in the scientific domain in France. Considering I have zero prior experience, I'd say it went pretty well.

I also just finished reading a great book called La délicatesse, and am currently reading The Alchemist (a book I love) in French.

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