Saturday, November 17, 2012

Lovin' the Lycée

Every day I walk by the collège (middle school) through the mass of students, and every day I think how lucky I am to be teaching at the lycée (high school). I just don't think I could handle middle schoolers!

It's definitely no picnic teaching a bunch of high schoolers, though. The students like me, because I'm a break from their normal teachers, but I refuse to speak any french to them, so they don't always understand...and when that happens some of them start to tune me out. Sometimes it will be me talking to sea of students who are talking amongst themselves, and it's a little frustrating. In France students have side conversations willy nilly, even with their normal French teachers present, so they seem less disciplined than American students in that respect. All in all though, it's fun and I really like the age group because we can discuss pop culture things like music, movies and t.v. series that we have in common. 

Sometimes I even feel like a high school foreign exchange student. I'm basically the same size as the other high-schoolers and I kind of blend in with the crowd...

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