Saturday, November 17, 2012

The other day I accidentally raced a Kenyan...

On November 8, 2012 I posted the following to Facebook:

"Accidentally raced a Kenyan today. Obviously he won. But still. I gave him a run for his money for about 45 seconds."

After receiving some questions, I thought I should clarify...

What happened was this: I was running along, minding my own business and I heard someone coming up behind me...normally guys will speed up if they see a girl in front of them just to pass her (because boys cant stand losing to girls), so I always speed up a little to lose the guy, because I'm like pshhh. Usually when I speed up, they give up and fade back and I can go back to running peacefully by myself. But this time was different. The footsteps behind me didn't fade away. So I was like I sped up more and the person was still gaining on me. I continued speeding up and we got to a critical juncture where we had to go down stairs otherwise we'd fall into the river. I turned to go down the stairs and the guy was right behind me, but I still didn't see who it was. When I got down the stairs and continued running next to the river, the guy passed me and I finally saw that he was the Kenyan! haha (Maybe he wasn't a Kenyan, but he sure looked like one and there's a race coming up in Montpellier so I just assumed.) It was funny, and I was like, "Ok he's legit, it's fine if he passes me."

The end.

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