Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fédération Flying Disc France

So I just joined the FFDF, which allows me to officially play in tournaments with the club team in Montpellier. They have various competitions, some indoor, some outdoor, and some on the beach! All of the other team-members are French (except for one German guy studying abroad and several other American girls), so it is a very interesting mix of people. We have practice every Tuesday and Thursday night. By joining the team I doubled the amount of people I know from Montpellier in a matter of days.

At practices we work on throws, offense/defensive plays and various other aspects of the sport. We usually have beginners and experienced players, so it is helpful for me when the captain explains concepts to the beginners, because I learn a lot of French Ultimate Frisbee vocab! Surprisingly, a lot of expressions used are in English.

The other day I did a lesson on ultimate frisbee with a few of my classes - spreading the awesomeness of ultimate one country at a time!

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